Monday, March 15, 2010

He Said "You Saved My Life"

No one truly knows the turmoil deep in my soul
They cannot know, unless they too have been there
Most do not, will not, cannot understand
Lost, "do I know my worth?"
I can't breathe, feels like someone. Crushing my chest
As if a hand is squeezing my heart
Making each beat like its last
The inner battle I'm barely winning
Do I have the will to win this war?
Imagine swimming to the middle of a large lake
Exhausted, will I have enough stregnth to get back to shore?
To give in makes it seem simple, but its complicating it more
The sadness behind my eyes, the tears behind my smile
But I do go on and here's why..............

On my weakest day I stood in a long checkout line
Smiled at a baby, her mom
Scanned the covers of the tabloids, humored
Laughed at headlines, commenting to the man infront of me
He laughed, shared his favorites grabbing one of each
His turn came, he told the cashier "never mind those items"
"I'll just get these instead"
Didn't think a lot of it, I always talk to people like that
Until a week later at the same store
A man walked up to me, smiled and said "thank you"
I said "what for?"
He said "last week you was behind me in the checkout"
"On the counter I had the items to take my life"
"I felt alone, invisible, people look right threw me"
"You visited me didn't look past me, sharing what was funny"
"I didn't buy the things I intended, I got those mag's instead"
Then he said "taking the time to smile at someone in passing...
Or showing something to make them laugh, I bet you've saved..
More than me, remember that"

So I always remember that when I start to give up, the irony
My humor shields my pain............

So whenever you want give up remember
.................................."YOU SAVE MY LIFE"

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